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Travellers Rest

Travellers RestTravellers Rest ~ Prince Albert ~ Western Cape ~ South Africa

107/109 Adderley Street

Contact: Jude or Bryan Stocker

tel: 060 765 3955 / 082 263 0391

Latitude: -33.217682 | Longitude: 22.028312

Rates: From R490 per person per night sharing (R650 pn single)

Full cooked English breakfast R150 per person.


Set in a maturing garden, Travellers Rest has three double rooms and one twin room. The double rooms have queen sized beds and the twin has three quarter size beds. All are fully air-conditioned and have the benefit of their own private entrances, private stoeps, and off street parking.



Travellers Rest ~ Prince Albert ~ Western Cape ~ South Africa




Complimentary tea, coffee, bottled water and home made rusks are provided.

A fully cooked English breakfast is available on request.

A number of photo's are available on our website.




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Visit Gecko Self-catering Cottages for information about our self-catering family accommodation